Over the past several years Humans & Animals United, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization, has amassed a loyal following of readers from all walks of life, whose eyes are open to the atrocities that too many pets are subjected to. Our fan base includes people who are willing and able to network on behalf of homeless animals and speak up on behalf of the voiceless.
Currently we are seeking a capital raise to open a new centrally located facility in Florida where animals on the streets, abandoned or surrendered, may come to avoid capture and euthanasia by local shelters or rescued from abandonment by their owners. We will provide a “last chance resort” where the animals are rescued and saved, and will receive veterinary healthcare, proper nutrition, kenneling, behavior training, spay or neutering, outdoor exercise and affection until a proper “forever home” may be found.
If you’re in the field of animal care and welfare you may find new customers by tapping into our huge following. Our site is unique, and so are our readers. Join us as we continue to inform, enlighten and work for change. Please visit our Facebook Page and Instagram pages which include recent rescues, rescue-related news and featured pets for adoption, as well as heartwarming success stories. We strive to help all creatures who are in need of a helping hand. Our readers are looking for travel destinations for pets, vacation opportunities, treats, accessories, high quality toys, nutritious foods, pet friendly accommodations … ask us to save a place for your company by contacting us with the form below.
We endorse people and products that we know and trust! We participate in affiliate marketing and if you make a purchase, or a donation, through an affiliate link, the proceeds will support our continued work here at Humans & Animals United, Inc.